How Security Personnel Can Improve Productivity in a Command Center

Summary: By addressing specific needs, a command center can be more productive and efficient.

With the increased use of video surveillance for any organization, along with computer-based systems, it’s crucial officers that are working in these centers be trained correctly.

Training the Officers

Security officers that work in a command center must be trained in using the security cameras as well as identifying suspicious activity. This includes what is happening in both the foreground and the background of a video image. They also must be taught how to interact with the dispatch and patrol team, as well as understand all the policies associated with it. Providing them with this training will increase their productivity levels as well as provide them with a well-rounded repertoire that they can pull out in emergency situations.

Balancing Technology With Other Duties

The increased volumes of information generated by command centers demand that security officers be trained to balance technology and paper-based tasks appropriately. They must learn how to monitor control systems, answer phones, report incidents, and more. It’s crucial that the officers that are working within the command center have a basic knowledge of their technical surroundings which allow them to be more versatile in the case of an incident.

Limiting Video Monitor Time

The quality of attention by officers monitoring live video feeds tends to drop significantly after a an extended amount of time. To counter this, officers that are scheduled for the same shift will switch duties every couple of hours. Monitoring in the command station and patrolling are two entirely different, but equally important, tasks for an officer. Balancing this can provide improved efficiency and productivity for the organization.