Effective Ways to Boost Your Radio Advertisement Strategy

Getting people to come into your business is a tough task on its own. Utilize data from your advertisements to see if they’re as effective as you want them to be.

What defines an effective media marketing strategy? Is it the reach of the advertisement or the capital invested? Maybe it’s the production and distribution rate. Advertising through the media, specifically radio, is one of the most efficient marketing tools that’s continuously used by brands creating awareness for themselves as well as selling their products and services to the public.

According to Pierre Zarokian of iClimber, radio is indeed alive and performing quite well in the digital world.

The focal point of advertisers is the listener base. By understanding who’s actually listening to your advertisements, here are some basic strategies that you implement into your media marketing plan.

Create Surveys

Conducting surveys is essentially the most basic tool that you can use to determine the reach of your customer base. This can be done both online and in-store. If you’re selling a product, consider adding rewards or discounts as an incentive for them to complete your survey. Additionally you can also add the same incentive for customers that mention a special keyword or phrase that’s in your advertisement as well. This tends to give you a rough idea of the exposure that your advertisement is leading to and can aid you in “editing” the advertisement to whichever direction you want.

Sales Numbers

Another way that you can see if your investment has paid off is by looking your sales number from the time your radio advertisement has started to the present. See if there are significant jumps or trends that you can point out. Obviously, the higher the numbers, the more influential your advertisement has been.

If you are interested in online advertising, contact Pierre Zarokian, who has over 20 years experience in digital marketing.